35+ Poke Cake Recipes

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A list of the most EPIC Poke Cake Recipes found on the internet. There’s so many flavors and pairings, you’ll never run out of ideas!

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Poke cakes are SO easy to make, they have quickly become one of my favorite desserts to whip up for a party or just because. You literally bake a cake, whether from a box or from scratch, poke holes all over it, pour some sort of jello, pudding or creamy concoction over the top and top it with whatever your heart desires! Not only are they easy, but they are a fancy schmancy dessert to boot. I haven’t heard one complaint from the MANY poke cake recipes I’ve made over the years. 

There are so many ideas and flavor combinations that you can find one to fit any holiday, season, or family favorite.

Here are some of my favorite Poke Cake recipes

The BEST Poke Cake Recipes

The Most Epic Poke Cake Roundup


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